How do you measure the life of a woman or a man?

Ok. I know i haven't typed forever. That's because i was discouraged that no one was reading this. Then it hit me today, it's because i didn't tell anyone!! School is out anyway. I made it to jazz choir. I'm going to be in highschool next year! All my friends and I are so nervous. We all exchanged hugs on the last day of school(friday) and promised to call then parted. Since then I have talked to at least 4 of them online but that's it. Ian started a blog also today. It's . His blog is a little different then mine.
The book I started forever ago i have worked on an embarrassingly little amount. I am not exactly the best at writing so i get discouraged often. The few things I am good at are singing and typing. For the last day of school I got a certificate saying I typed 113 words per minute with 100% accuracy. My teacher (retiring this year) spelt my name wrong on this certificate.
Right now I am readin ga book called Demon in my View. It is about this girl, Jessica, who writes a book and publishes it under a fake name so no one knows its her. The book is about vampires and a fight between them. Little does she know she's actually writing the past of a real life vampire. The vampire, Aubrey, is a little angry that she knows so much detail and sets out to kill her. She does not yet know she's in fact writing real life instead of fiction. I have yet to finish it. I checked out two other books by the same auther(whose name is failing me now) today because I joined the library summer program. It's every year where you have to read a lot of books and fill out sheets on them and you win prizes for it. Completely free. My mom and sister are also in the program.
Life is quiet today compared to yesterday. I woke up at 6:30 to workers banging on the roof and loud country music outside my window. I got up grudingly and dressed quickly. When i go to sleep though, i put blankets over my windows to blog out the light. When I went to take the one down thats next to my bed I got quite a shock. Staring back at me was one of the workers! I nearly fell out of the bed. I some how managed to avoid their music for the whole day. It was impossibly to avoid the banging. I watched my sister the whole day yesterday and that was quite an excorcise.
Today, my mom took my sister and me to my Great Grandma Bunn's house. We hung out there for two hours. I just read while my sister chattered away. Nana calls her chatty cathy. The other day when Mia was sitting on bumpa's (my stepgrandfather) lap she turned to my grandma and uncle and said quite clearly, 'Bumpa is ALWAYS right.' She's quite the monster. When my grandma asked Mia who called her chatty cathy she said bumpa's dad. When quite in fact it was bumpa's younger brother. Today my mom had me take pictures of items that my Grandpa Trever is selling on Ebay. A lot of it looks like junk to me (my mom agrees) but i guess they get some good money for it.
My family is fascinated with birds. I don't understand why. They just annoy me alot and they never stop chirping. They say it's beautiful. Calming. It's fun finding out what birds they have. I don't get that. The chirping is not like a song. A song has words, lyrics. It has a melody that changes and flows like a river. Chirping is not peaceful to me. It's bothersome. Music is much more peaceful.
The last song i sang as a choir was Seasons of Love from RENT. We did not put solo's in it we just sang the whole thing through. This song is sang during the actual broadway production when they are changing scenes (or so my father tells me). During the movie it's just sang at the beginning. The man who wrote RENT, Jonathan Larson, died the night before the musical opened. This musical is very moving to me and very powerful. The message is different for everyone. My favorite character in this production would have to be Mark. He is caught in the middle of everything. Most of his friends are sick, his girlfriend broke up with him, his bestfriend moved away, he made a movie but doesn't want it produced by a tabloid tv station. His life seems the most compliacted to me. A lot of questions are answered at this website: I read through it and was able to answer a lot of the questions before i read the answers.
Well thats all for now I suppose. I have to do the laundry, call the boyfriend, and relax the hands. Until then measure your life in love.
Yep, i'd say September to June would be classified as forever. I don't even have a working computer and still manage every week or two!
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