I'm gonna get on my knee's and pray to the Lord

A few nights ago I got a nasty little shock. I found out four of my friends were have a sleepover and I knew nothing of it. I called a different friend and she said that they were going home coming dress shopping but she didn't want to go. Immediatly I call my friend and she explains that one of the others didn't want me to go. I told Lindsey, my best friend ever, why would she listen to one of them? She said that she really wanted me to go but Briley, the girl, didn't want me to. I asked Briley then and she said that she was sorry but it seemed like I was mad at her. I wasn't trying to be but I apologized anyway. She said she'd be willing to go shopping with me later, but i said I'd go with her but I wouldn't but my dress. I'm going to wait until homecoming. Ah well, I've got three months.
The workers are gone. They finished yesterday. The roof looks nice. Last night we all sat outside during a thunderstorm under our knew roof. It was nice. I don't understand why it's green but It's not up to me. I actually got to sleep a little bit more in today because they weren't here. I slept until 8:30. On the dot. We're now watching Thomas the Engine. One of the engines is sick. Or.. well how trains get sick.
Another thing, I asked Ian's grandma, Shirley, or otherwise known as peach, if she liked cappucino or coffee better. She said Coffee. She left and in like 3 hours later or so she came back and started talking how she doesn't like cappucino because she tasted it once and it was bad. It was extremely weird. Last night Peach and my mom talked about Ian coming here for the two middle weeks in July. I can't wait. On June 19th it'll be one year. My mom gave me the greatest idea of what to get him. I'm not going to say what it is because of the chance he'll read it.
People always ask what's my favorite song. I don't really have one. I like most types except classic rock and oldies. I can't stand the beetles. The Nylons are ok. I like acapella alot because i can sing it rather well. My favorite Acapella piece is Good Old Acapella. I like this piece because it talks about the rythm and the sound. It sounds so sweet. Soul to soul. Brother to Brother. Acapella. Sounds good to me. you can find the lyrics here: http://www.klarnet.net/nylons--good_old_acappella_free_mp3_downloads_109340.htm. My favorite country piece has to be homewrecker by gretchen wilson. Just the power and the humor behind her words makes me want to sing it over and over again. Gretchen Wilson knows how to sing her music and put feeling in her words whether its about being a redneck or telling everyone to back off because he's her man. I love her music. The next music thing I have next is probably a rehersal for Jazz Choir. Hopefully Ms. Thiel will change her mind and let us preform.
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