Don’t say you simply lost your way

Earlier this afternoon I went swimming with my sister. Before you go picturing a big pool or lake or even the Oconto River, it was her little kiddie pool. That came up to my ankles. She did somehow manage to get me entirely wet. That was with the hose of course. We had fun even if the water was barely above 40 degrees.
Saturday night my dad's girlfriend, Denise, put blonde highlights in my hair. I like them a lot. Of course they are not all the way through but they look pretty good. Ian says I now have an excuse to act 'blonde' as he calls it. I have to admit I have been a bit of a klutz today. I've been awake since 3 am because i couldn't get back to sleep. So when i got out of bed at 8:00 i fell out of bed. Literally. Then when i went to walk out of the bathroom i accidentally ran into the wall. I had forgotten to open my eyes. when I went downstairs to bring the laundry down the hamper hit the door bounced back into me i hit a stair and dropped the phone, falling down flat on the stairs. Finally when I was stepping into the pool with my sister she tried to trip me. Of course her being only 4 and her foot only half mine i shouldn't have fallen but i slipped and fell flat on my back splashing half the water out of the pool. Not a good day for me.
The song i chose to talk about today is Never Again by Kelly Clarkson. I like this song because it shows anger and hate towards a guy who used her or cheated on her. The first line in the song is 'I hope the ring you gave to her, turns her finger green.' Quite a few of my friends have said that's their favorite line. My favorite line is 'Never again will I kiss you, Never again will i WANT to, never again will i love you. never' Kelly Clarkson is an amazing singer in my opinion. The way she is able to project her sound even in her chest voice. I didn't care for some of the songs on her first CD such as I hate my self for Losing you and Hear me. Those songs didn't move me but some of the others did such as Beautiful Disaster and Behind these hazel eyes. It was funny. When i first started hearing Behind These Hazel Eyes on the radio my mom had said to me that you never hear a song about people with hazel eyes (both me and her have them). There's songs about blue eyes brown eyes green eyes. I heard this song and she said, "Oh that's great. A girl is singing a song about Hazel eyed girls." I prevented myself from saying at least I found one. this was a while ago though. The lyrics of course.
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