Love lifts us up were we belong

Yesterday was beautiful. My friend invited me swimming. I went along of course because it was the first time i got to swim in the river all year. There was me, Lindsey, Kelsey, Jared, Joe, Jamie, and Briley. After a while it was just me, Lindsey and Briley. Then just me and Lindsey. We talked about so many wierd things. While we were sitting there criticizing people's tans saying whose looked fake and whose didn't and such it hit me we were freshman. No long middle schoolers. But completely and utterly highschoolers. I told her and we jumped and hugged and laughed. We then decided to lay down to tan and talk because we were bored. Shortly after laying down my mom pulled up. My mom said i looked like a lobster. Well when i tried to go to sleep last night I nearly cried. I had to lay on my side with my arm over my head and with my shirt completely off my back. I'm am so red I make an apple look pale. I was going to go to my great grandma's house today but I'd have to be sitting with my back not touching anything for three hours straight. So i stayed home. This morning my sister started yelling at me to get me out of bed. She was spazzing because her mommy and daddy weren't home. Then she burst into tears because she wanted 'cuddle' time. I, having just gotten out of bed in excrutiating pain, was not in the mood. I got her her medicine and she didn't like the juice I got her. So of course i got her plain old skim milk instead. Aren't I the nicest of sisters?
The dream I had last night was deeply amusing. My mom just bought my stepdad a grill for fathers day. In my dream I asked what they were going to do with the old grill and my mom said just throw it away and i got mad. I said i wanted a new ipod so if i got one would i just throw away my old one? We then got into a furocious argument. I was yelling that i wanted an orange ipod nano. They don't make them of course. She was saying I didnt' need one because i already had a blue ipod mini. I said the mini was to BIG. In fact it looked ginormous to me. She said i should be gald i ahve one and am not just stuck with a cd player. I said it wasn't thanks to her, it was because my dad got it. We then fought more. Really wierd dream because i guess i'm ok with my ipod i mean it is kinda big but thats because all my friends have nanos but i was one of the first people in the school to have an ipod. I got mine in sixth grade when all my friends got theres this past year in 8th grade.
The music I've been listening to lately is stuff by manhattan transfer. I don't know most of their songs but i listen to "Boy from New York City", "Trickle, Trickle", "Operator", and "Java Jive". But those aren't the songs for today. I'm going to talk about Moulin Rouge. For those of you who haven't seen this it's a MUST see. It's a musical about love. The main line is 'The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love. And be loved in return.' A man trying to find love and falls for a girl. It's so sweet. Well my friends have seen it because i Have made them see it. My friend, Kelsey, says that her favorite part is where the dwarf says "We are the childwen of the Revowution!" My favorite part in this musical is the Elephant Love Melody. It's a mix of many different love songs put together. It starts out as fun then slows then up again. The man is begging for the girl to give him a chance to love her. See if they can be together. She doesn't want to because she sells her body to the night or in other words shes a prostitute. lyrics:
There is no video except for the movie one and I'm not going to spoil that for you so tata!
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