CannonBall into the water
I haven't blogged for a while i Know, it's just i haven't been able to. I sit down and i type about a paragraph and thats it. Nothing more so i stop and delete everything and move onto something else. This past week was not entirely boring I suppose. Saturday I went to one of my sets of grandparents houses for my grandpas surprise party. That was fun I guess he turned 60. I didn't really know half of the people there but I mingled with the ones i did and got to know the ones I didn't by listening to people talk. For my birthday I got a cellphone. It's nice i started out with 177 minutes. I got down to 80 and added 150 im now down to 90. This is not because of calling people. No. It's because I've been texting. I finally realized I can't do that much longer so I told my friends that if they wanted to talk call me or email me. I can't continue with it. I'm glad i stopped now. I have a lot of time and my phone isn't always chirping at me.

Todays song is For you I will (confidence) by Teddy Gieger(sorry if spelt wrong!). I love this song because the lyrics are true for alot of people. It's about a guy who likes a girl and she doesn't know about it and hes working up the confidence (hint hint) to tell her how he feels. He knows she has a boyfriend but still wants her and thinks hes better for her. I know it's short but there's not much I can say about it. Because everyone does want what they can't have. They always want to try to get it though and sometimes they fail and sometimes they succeed but just being able to know they tried is enough. It's enough to know that they didn't just sit back and watch the best thing float by. One of my bestfriends, Briley, she had a boyfriend a while back and she chose this song for her and him. He was extremely popular and a bit of a snob. But he liked her for her and she was so excited because she had liked him for quite a while and managed to get him finally. Sadly they did break up because of his huge ego but she's still my friend. One of my other friends, Jared, said that he liked this song and would love to be able to sing it because he loves his girlfriend very much and knows that she loves the song.
For You I Will (confidence) Lyrics

Todays song is For you I will (confidence) by Teddy Gieger(sorry if spelt wrong!). I love this song because the lyrics are true for alot of people. It's about a guy who likes a girl and she doesn't know about it and hes working up the confidence (hint hint) to tell her how he feels. He knows she has a boyfriend but still wants her and thinks hes better for her. I know it's short but there's not much I can say about it. Because everyone does want what they can't have. They always want to try to get it though and sometimes they fail and sometimes they succeed but just being able to know they tried is enough. It's enough to know that they didn't just sit back and watch the best thing float by. One of my bestfriends, Briley, she had a boyfriend a while back and she chose this song for her and him. He was extremely popular and a bit of a snob. But he liked her for her and she was so excited because she had liked him for quite a while and managed to get him finally. Sadly they did break up because of his huge ego but she's still my friend. One of my other friends, Jared, said that he liked this song and would love to be able to sing it because he loves his girlfriend very much and knows that she loves the song.
For You I Will (confidence) Lyrics
i love teddy! <3<3<3 aww!!
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