Call it dumb, call it luck, call it love or whatever you call it
Well life is intresting I have to say. This weekend I got a haircut at Chameleons in greenbay. My mom is gettinga haircut there tomorow. I do like it but to get my hair straight it's going to take at least 2 hours. So i'm just going to put it up until it dries then take it down and straighten it. Today is one year for me and Ian. It's a little wierd because we're not getting each other anything until he's here in July. This morning I woke up to the telephone ringing. By the 20th ring I got up and answered. It was my dad wanting to talk to my brother. I go to the living room where he is sitting AWAKE watching my sister. I yell at him for not answering the phone and then give it to him. I then had to get my sister something to drink and her medicine because my brother has neglected to do so. Sometimes I wonder why he bothers getting up with her if he doesn't watch her in the first place.
Thursday night I think it was when i was rushed to the ER. I had major back pain and a fever so my mom took me in. It turns out i have a kidney infection. I'm put on pills for ten days. Go me! It was hard on saturday because i had a headache, leg ache, foot ache, back ache, and stomach ache. We also found out my grandma might have had a stroke so my aunt and uncle wanted to take her to the hospital but she refused to go. We're hoping she'll just get better and this whole thing will blow over.
Todays song is cupids chokehold by gymclassheros. My mom calls this song the badadada song because they say that repetedly throughout the song. I like this song because it's sweet how the guy talks about the girl. The best line i think in the song is If i had to choose her or the son I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun. My friends favorite line is we can be on the phone for three hours not saying on word and I would still cherish every moment. My dad says this song is a remake but I'm not sure. There are two songs my mom can't stand it's this one and Don't matter by aKon or the whiny song. But i think this song is really good actually. The way he found so many things to say about her and how hes explaining to his dad and mom that this girl is the girl he wants to marry. Heres the lyrics:
Cupid's Chokehold Lyrics
Thursday night I think it was when i was rushed to the ER. I had major back pain and a fever so my mom took me in. It turns out i have a kidney infection. I'm put on pills for ten days. Go me! It was hard on saturday because i had a headache, leg ache, foot ache, back ache, and stomach ache. We also found out my grandma might have had a stroke so my aunt and uncle wanted to take her to the hospital but she refused to go. We're hoping she'll just get better and this whole thing will blow over.
Todays song is cupids chokehold by gymclassheros. My mom calls this song the badadada song because they say that repetedly throughout the song. I like this song because it's sweet how the guy talks about the girl. The best line i think in the song is If i had to choose her or the son I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun. My friends favorite line is we can be on the phone for three hours not saying on word and I would still cherish every moment. My dad says this song is a remake but I'm not sure. There are two songs my mom can't stand it's this one and Don't matter by aKon or the whiny song. But i think this song is really good actually. The way he found so many things to say about her and how hes explaining to his dad and mom that this girl is the girl he wants to marry. Heres the lyrics:
Cupid's Chokehold Lyrics